Audit and Assurance

Audit and assurance are two concepts related to the evaluation and verification of financial, accounting and operating information of a company. Our audit service focuses on the review of financial statements and compliance with applicable accounting and tax regulations, while through assurance we seek to verify the reliability of financial and non-financial information, including the evaluation of internal controls and the identification of business risks. 

Both practices are essential to ensure the transparency and reliability of a company's financial and operational information, which in turn helps to improve decision making, strengthen corporate governance and increase the confidence of investors and other stakeholders in the company.

Identify risk areas

The audit can help identify areas where a company may be at financial, operational or legal risk, allowing the company to take preventive measures to minimize these risks.

Improve efficiency and effectiveness

The audit can help identify areas of the company that need improvement in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, enabling the company to make necessary changes to improve its performance.

Legal Compliance

The audit can help ensure that the company is complying with all applicable laws and regulations, which can minimize the risk of penalties and fines.

Strengthening reputation

Auditing can help enhance a company's reputation by demonstrating that it is committed to transparency and accountability.

Improve risk management

The audit can help the company identify and assess its risks and develop plans to mitigate them.

Improve decision making

The audit can provide useful information for decision making, which can improve the company's financial and operational performance.

Audit and Financial Assurance Services

mujer profesional explicando detalles documento al cliente lugar trabajo lider empresarial serio consultor experto financiero o legal concepto trabajo equipo o cooperacion
  • Internal Control and Internal Audit
  • Licensing Audit
  • Compliance Audit
  • Financial, Accounting and Due Diligence
  • Previously Agreed Procedures
  • Corporate Compliance
  • Corporate Compliance

Financial Audit and Statutory Audit

Our team implements tools that are key in business management, the audit allows to verify the veracity and reliability of the financial and accounting information presented by an organization. Our service implements comprehensive evaluations of financial statements, identifying financial and accounting risks, we make recommendations to improve internal control systems, in order to ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations.

In the specific case of the Statutory Auditor, a legally established figure in Colombia, our main objective is to ensure compliance with accounting and tax regulations, and to issue opinions on the financial statements of companies. Together, the Financial Audit and the Statutory Auditor contribute to generate trust and transparency in the business environment, and help protect the interests of shareholders, investors and other stakeholders in the organization. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

IFRS - IFRS Financial Accounting Consulting

Our approach is to advise companies on the adoption and implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs). This advice ranges from the identification and assessment of the accounting and financial impacts of IFRS adoption, to the design and implementation of accounting policies and procedures to ensure the correct presentation of financial statements under this international reference framework.

IFRS-IFRS financial accounting consulting enables companies to comply with international accounting regulations and improve the quality of financial information presented to stakeholders, which can contribute to more informed decision making and improve the company's image. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

NIAS (International Standards on Auditing) consulting.

We provide advice to companies and organizations in the implementation of international auditing standards, in order to improve the quality of financial information and provide greater transparency to users of such information. This advice includes the evaluation of compliance with NIAS, the identification of potential risks and opportunities for improvement, the development of action plans for the implementation of the standards and the training of the work team in the application of the same. 

Effective implementation of NIAS can significantly improve the quality of financial reporting and increase stakeholder confidence in the information provided by the company. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Statutory Auditor

Our firm offers statutory auditing services to ensure that your organization complies with legal and tax obligations in Colombia. 

In addition to verifying and certifying your financial statements, our team of audit experts will provide you with a detailed assessment of your company's internal processes, allowing you to identify areas for improvement and reduce operational risks. 

In addition, our audit provides valuable assurance to your shareholders, customers and suppliers, which will increase confidence in your organization. If you are looking for a reliable and efficient partner for your statutory audit, contact us today!