Servicios en Asesoría
Legal y Tributaria

We offer a variety of services to help companies in Colombia optimize their tax filing, reduce their legal risks and comply with the country's laws and regulations. Our approach is based on providing detailed information and expert advice on the local rules and guidelines applicable to your business model. 

Thanks to the joint efforts of our experts in each area, we are able to offer coherent and beneficial agreements for your company.

We provide efficient financial advice, alerting our clients in time for decision-making. Our extensive experience allows us to minimize the operational and legal risks associated with our clients' investment or business.

We focus on finding the most appropriate solutions for each company with the utmost responsibility, taking into account the prestige of both our clients and ourselves.



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National and International Tax Consultancy, Permanent or Occasional

We offer this service with professionals specialized in the tax area who provide advice and solutions in tax compliance, tax planning and tax risk management, both nationally and internationally. The tax consultancy can be permanent or punctual, depending on the client's needs.

Through ongoing tax consulting we can provide you with a continuous and recurring service, where our professionals work closely with you to ensure that your tax compliance is up to date and to develop tax strategies to maximize your tax profitability in the long term.

On the other hand, in specific tax consulting we focus on solving specific problems or particular situations that may arise in a company, such as a tax audit, the application of a new tax regulation or a corporate restructuring. In this case, our consultants provide specific and targeted advice to the situation in question, working together with the accounting or tax team of the company.

Our goal is to help clients comply with their tax obligations efficiently and minimize their exposure to tax risks, while taking advantage of tax opportunities that may be available in the market.

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Tax Compliance Services

We advise our clients with those data and reports that are required by the tax authorities and that must be provided by taxpayers on a mandatory basis to the control entities, by legal mandate.

In some countries, taxpayers are required to provide exogenous information on their income, expenses, sales, withholdings and other relevant details of their economic activities through information returns, reports and other means.

Our service will help you to more easily reach the accuracy of the tax returns to be filed by taxpayers, giving you the peace of mind of being subject to review by the tax authority, when it seeks to detect possible evasions.

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Tax Planning for Individuals and Legal Entities

We support you in implementing a set of strategies and actions so that a natural or legal person can reduce the impact of taxes on their economy. We know and apply the tax rules in an adequate manner, taking advantage of tax deductions and exemptions, using structures and legal forms that allow reducing the tax burden; we are aware of changes in tax legislation, which may affect your financial situation. We seek to maximize the profitability and tax efficiency of a person or company, by complying with their tax obligations in a responsible and strategic manner.

Tax Litigation

The conflicts that arise between taxpayers and tax authorities in relation to the interpretation, application and enforcement of tax rules can be a headache for your entity or your business model, due to the different natures of the controversy, such as: on the determination of the tax base, the application of tax exemptions or deductions, the imposition of tax penalties, among others.

We advise you so that you can defend your position through administrative and judicial appeals, seeking to demonstrate that your interpretation of the tax rules is correct and that you have complied with all the corresponding tax obligations.


Tax litigation can be costly and lengthy, so it is important that taxpayers are well advised by professionals specialized in tax law. The resolution of tax litigation can have a significant impact on the financial situation of taxpayers and their relationship with the tax authorities, so it is essential to carry out proper tax planning and management to avoid its occurrence.

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Procedures for tax refunds and tax offsets

We advise you with the procedures for tax refunds and compensations, before the tax authorities to recover excess taxes paid or to compensate them with pending tax debts.

In the case of refunds, we advise you on how to apply for a refund of taxes that have been overpaid or unduly paid.

Regarding offsets, we support you in requesting that the amount of overpaid or improperly paid taxes either be used to pay outstanding tax debts, such as taxes owed or tax penalties.


It is important to note that the procedures for tax refunds and offsets may vary in each country and that there are specific deadlines and requirements that must be met for their correct completion. Therefore, it is advisable that taxpayers have the advice of professionals specialized in tax law to carry out these procedures efficiently and effectively.

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International Treaties

International treaties to avoid double taxation allow two or more countries to eliminate the possibility of the same economic fact or activity being taxed twice by both countries.

We interpret treaties, rules and procedures to determine the taxpayer's country of residence, the definition of tax concepts and the way in which taxes should be applied, with the purpose of avoiding double taxation and promoting trade and investment between the signatory countries.

Double taxation treaties are important to encourage foreign investment and international cooperation, as they provide legal certainty to taxpayers and avoid double taxation situations that can result in an excessive and unfair tax burden for companies and individuals.

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Cross Border Transactions

We advise you on what are also known as cross-border or international transactions, those commercial or financial operations that involve the movement of goods, services or capital across international borders, i.e., between different countries.

It can involve companies, investors, banks, individuals, among other actors, and can take different forms, such as the purchase and sale of goods and services, investment in foreign companies, transfer of funds between countries, among others, generating business and investment opportunities.

Our professionals will assist you with the additional challenges and risks involved in these types of transactions, such as the need to comply with international tax laws and regulations, as well as other applicable international rules and regulations.

It is important for companies and individuals involved in cross border transactions to have specialized legal and tax advice to ensure compliance with applicable tax and regulatory obligations and to minimize the risks associated with these transactions.

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Advice on foreign exchange law

We provide this specialized service through a team of lawyers and financial professionals to help companies and individuals understand and comply with the regulations and laws applicable to foreign currency transactions.

Foreign exchange law advice is crucial for companies that engage in international business transactions, investments abroad, or have financial obligations denominated in foreign currencies.

Our team helps companies develop strategies to reduce foreign exchange and market risks, as well as to maximize the benefits of international transactions.

We advise individuals on issues related to foreign investment, including investment management, repatriation of funds and regulation of foreign exchange markets; complying with legal and regulatory obligations.

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Permanent establishments

We assist with the incorporation and legalization of the fixed presence of your company in a country other than that of your fiscal domicile, which will allow you to carry out economic or commercial activities in that country on a regular or habitual basis.

A permanent establishment varies according to the tax rules of each country, but in general a permanent establishment is considered to exist when certain criteria are met, such as:

  • The physical presence of an office, branch, factory or warehouse in the country.
  • The use of fixed installations or equipment in the country for a specific period of time.
  • Carrying out commercial or business management activities in the country on a regular or recurring basis.
  • The presence of employees or representatives of the company in the country acting on behalf of the company.


A company that has a permanent establishment in a country is subject to the tax laws and regulations of that country in connection with the activities conducted through the permanent establishment. This may include the payment of income and other taxes, as well as compliance with specific accounting and tax obligations in the country.

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Corporate Legal


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Incorporation of companies, branches of foreign companies, foundations and temporary joint ventures or consortia

If you are thinking of setting up a company in Colombia, we can help you to incorporate your company, branch of a foreign company, foundation or temporary union/consortium in a fast and efficient way.

Our team of experts has the necessary experience to guide you through the entire incorporation process, from identifying the most appropriate legal structure to registration.

In addition, we provide personalized advice so that you can make the best decisions according to your business model. We have extensive knowledge of the laws and regulations applicable to the incorporation of companies in Colombia, which allows us to ensure that the entire process is carried out properly and in compliance with the law, which will give you the possibility to establish your company in Colombia efficiently and without worries. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

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Preparation of Commercial Contracts

We provide legal advice for the elaboration of all types of contracts in Colombia, we are here to help you.

Our team of experts has extensive experience in drafting contracts, which allows us to offer a personalized and high quality service. Whether you need a contract of sale, lease, provision of services or any other type of commercial contract, we can help you draft it clearly and accurately, ensuring that all legal regulations are complied with and your interests are protected.

We focus on understanding the specific needs of each client and provide legal advice tailored to their business model. We offer practical and efficient solutions to ensure that your contracts are fair, balanced and protect your rights, giving you the peace of mind of having a solid contract tailored to your business needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are ready to help you.

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Accompaniment before Competent Authorities

Our team of lawyers has extensive experience in legal advice and representation before various authorities and governmental entities. We provide personalized and efficient advice to help you face administrative and judicial processes, both nationally and internationally.

Our service of accompaniment before authorities, will allow you to face administrative and judicial processes with the tranquility of having the support of experts in the matter. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are ready to help you.

Trademark Registration

Our team of intellectual property experts has extensive experience in trademark registration and protection. We provide personalized and efficient advice to help you register your trademark quickly and safely, complying with all legal requirements and guaranteeing its protection.

We offer constant and updated advice on the status of your trademark registration, giving you the peace of mind of being protected against any legal situation.

Our trademark registration service will allow you to register your trademark with the peace of mind of having the support of experts in the field. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are ready to help you.

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Corporate Reorganizations

Our team has extensive experience in legal advice and representation in corporate reorganizations, mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs and other business transformation processes.

We provide personalized and efficient advice to help you design the best business reorganization strategy that will allow you to achieve your business objectives and maximize your profitability. 

We work in coordination with other areas of your company, such as finance and human resources, to ensure a smooth and successful reorganization.


We accompany you throughout the process, providing constant and updated advice on the progress of your case. Our service will allow you to design and execute an effective reorganization strategy that will help you improve your profitability and face the challenges of the market. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are ready to help you.

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Preparation of minutes of shareholders' meetings and meetings of members, assistance in decision-making by corporate bodies

We provide personalized and efficient advice to assist you in the preparation of the minutes of your meetings, ensuring that all decisions and agreements made by the corporate bodies are fully and properly recorded. 

In addition, we provide constant and updated advice on the legal regulations applicable to decision making and the procedures for the preparation of minutes.

Our service of drafting minutes of assemblies and meetings of partners, as well as legal assistance in decision-making by the corporate bodies, will allow you to have an effective and updated legal tool, allowing you to make and legalize important decisions for your company in an appropriate manner and in compliance with applicable regulations. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are ready to help you.

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Preparation of partial and comprehensive statutory reforms (increase and decrease of capital)

We provide personalized and efficient advice to guide you through the entire process of drafting the statutory reform, from the identification of the need to make changes to the submission of the application to the competent authorities.

We focus on understanding the specific needs of each client and ensuring that the statutory reform is carried out legally and in compliance with the applicable rules and regulations. In addition, we advise you in determining the necessary changes and drafting the relevant legal documents for the statutory reform filing. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. We are ready to assist you.

Advice on corporate governance issues and liability of partners and directors

We work with our clients to implement a set of corporate governance practices that ensure transparency, accountability and business ethics. In addition, we focus on helping companies comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as international corporate governance standards.

We provide advice to the company's partners and administrators in relation to their legal responsibilities and obligations. We assist them in making decisions and implementing policies that protect their interests and those of the company. We provide them with relevant and up-to-date information on best practices in corporate governance and advise them in the development of policies and procedures that improve corporate governance and transparency. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are ready to help you.

Structuring of corporate capitalization mechanisms in cash or in kind, and design of share subscription regulations.

Our service helps companies raise funds to finance their operations and growth projects. Our experts work with you to design a capitalization plan that suits your company's specific needs and maximizes shareholder returns.

We offer the preparation of share subscription regulations that establish the rules and procedures for the issuance of new shares and the subscription of shares by shareholders. This helps ensure transparency and fairness in the share issuance process, which is crucial for maintaining good investor relations and complying with applicable regulations. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are ready to assist you.

Drafting and advising on shareholder agreements

Our service assists companies in drafting and negotiating shareholder agreements, with the objective of establishing clear and equitable rules for decision-making and management of the company. Our experts work with you to identify your company's specific needs and draft an agreement that fits your business model and complies with applicable rules and regulations.

A shareholders' agreement may include provisions on the election of board members, distribution of dividends, sale of shares, valuation of the company, among other issues. Our goal is to ensure that the agreement protects the interests of the shareholders and the company, and encourages collaboration and teamwork among the partners to achieve common business objectives. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are ready to help you.

Transfer of share ownership or interests in companies

We support you with this crucial process that occurs in the context of mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganizations, among other transactions. This process can be complicated, and it is important to have adequate advice to ensure that the transaction is carried out effectively and within the established legal and regulatory framework.

Our team of experts provides advice at every stage of the transfer process, from initial planning to completion of the transaction. We work closely with our clients to identify and mitigate the risks associated with the transaction, including tax, accounting and legal issues. 

Our team is able to negotiate the terms of the transfer and draft the necessary documents to complete the transaction. We ensure that the terms and conditions are fair and equitable to all parties involved, and that the transaction is carried out efficiently and effectively. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We are ready to help you.

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Training for businessmen on basic corporate issues and updating of corporate records

Training in corporate issues is essential to ensure the proper functioning and growth of a company. We offer personalized training to entrepreneurs in the handling of basic corporate issues, such as the preparation of minutes of meetings, decision making by the corporate bodies and the updating of corporate records. In addition, we provide advice on how to comply with legal obligations and avoid possible sanctions. With our support, entrepreneurs will be able to make informed decisions and have greater control over their company, allowing them to achieve their long-term goals efficiently and safely.

In addition, in our business coaching, we teach business leaders how to motivate and guide their team to achieve their goals effectively and how to improve communication and leadership skills, best practices for planning, executing and following up on proposed goals, as well as identifying and managing potential risks. We offer training in legal topics relevant to business, such as contracts, business and labor regulations, and legal dispute resolution. With our training, entrepreneurs will be able to improve their performance and knowledge in these areas, enabling them to make more informed and effective business decisions.

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