Our People: Auditors Colombia

We are a firm of independent auditors, consultants and accountants, legally constituted under Colombian law and authorized by the JCC - Junta Central de Contadores NIT #901441544-5.

Our Team

We have a team of highly trained experts with extensive knowledge in different industries, who allow us to obtain a clear and complete version of each business in order to build trusting relationships and offer added value to our clients in every service we provide. In addition, we have a global network of professionals that provides us with an overview and helps us understand our clients' needs on an international level.
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Angélica Beltrán Abril
Advisory Partner

CSJ: TP-402462

  • Her experience guarantees trust, transparency, professionalism, compliance with the objectives proposed together with the partners for a growth in accordance with the market conditions for the company.
  • Lawyer
  • Horizontal Property Administrator - Lonja de Propiedad Raíz de Santander 2014.
  • Diploma in Organizational Psychology
  • Accounting, tax and administrative consulting in P.H. 
  • Settlement of social benefits and tax and VAT withholdings / Analysis of financial statements / Payroll and settlement of social benefits.
Wilmer Morales P.
Principal Partner

(593) 99 813 2859

  • He has more than 18 years of professional experience in international firms such as Ernest & Young, and Grant Thornton, and was CFO of public and private sector companies.

  • He has an MBA in business administration, in addition to international certifications such as: Diploma in IFRS from Tecnológico de Monterrey and International Certification in Negotiation awarded by Harvard University Boston USA.

  • He is a Certified Public Accountant, Member of the Ecuadorian Federation of Accountants of Pichincha, and is qualified as an Expert Accountant, Liquidator and Auditor of the Superintendence of Companies and the National Council of the Judiciary.